Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day .....eating still going strong......

oy....i can't believe it's been so long since I have written! Things are still going great! I am in shock...(i know i say this alot...)haven't had fast food or any other drink other than water and almost 3 weeks! That is huge for me. I am feeling good...again..still disappointed at not getting to the gym...i would be giving excuses if I said I was just too busy...but busy doing what..other busy stuff that is more important than my just have not gone..grr! I have a serious problem in which when I want to learn something I have to learn everything about it in a day...! Which some of you know I bought myself a really nice camera for Christmas....and am really loving photography...took shoot camp last weekend...and now I just want to learn!....Editing is so much hard than it looks...i guess practicing i will get better...downside..i just want to do it all day and night..and have been going to bed at 3am for the past couple of nights..not good.

Had a doctor's appointment today....going to test some levels on my hormones..they are all out of whack..don't know if it's my thyroid or just out of whack and not back to normal since having boedy....Hopefully i will find out in the next few weeks!

Thanks to everyone that responded to the supplements..sorry I haven't written back to your emails..hoping to catch up this weekend!

Hopefully some poundage has dropped off this week...i know inch wise I am going great..all my close are loose.....especially above the waste. I am saying it once again...i have to work on working out on a daily's hard to get into a routine with my hubby's sched. ...but did try out the daycare at the Y with boedy...all went I really have no excuse. Maybe it's time to meet up at ruston for the 4 people that am drooling over the bob stroller again....talked myself out of it...but now it might not be such a bad investment...i am dying to get running this summer!

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